Benefits Of Using An Airless Sprayer
May 04 2022 0 Comments
The best airless sprayers you can buy in Australia are available here at Paintworld. We offer the Graco Sprayer Range. Graco products are suitable for home owners and professionals. For more information on Graco, visit here.

Why use an airless sprayer?
There are several benefits for using an airless sprayer when it comes to painting. Not every situation needs the use of a sprayer, however if you are painting large surfaces including walls, ceilings, floors, fences and doors, airless sprayers are going to save you time, and are going to leave your project looking professional. Using a sprayer is a much more efficient and easier way of painting. There is no longer a need for paint brushes and rollers when painting large surfaces.
Airless sprayers are easy to use, affordable and operate in a very simple way. At Paintworld, we highly recommend their use in professional and DIY projects. Below we will go through several reasons why using an airless sprayer is greatly beneficial. We have several airless sprayers available at Paintworld including the reliable and well-known Graco Range.
Covering large areas in small amounts of time
Sprayers use large volumes of paint in a short space of time. Using a hose and a pump, the sprayer will shoot paint at your walls, doors and fences at a very fast rate meaning it is your job to only apply the paint in the direction you want. Although paint sprayers use a lot of paint, it is important to note that you will lose about 10-20% of your paint in the air or by overspraying where you want the paint to go. However, this con is usually offset by the fact that most people when they buy paint, they buy more than they need, creating an excess of unused paint after their paint job is finished. Using an airless spray gun can nicely offset this excess of paint.
Smooth and very even application of the paint.
Using an airless sprayer can save a lot time and is very simple to use, but one of the most important reasons people use them is they create a very smooth and even finish with no streaks and imperfections (if used correctly). Paint will be applied incredibly evenly to your surfaces, even when the surface is not even.
Sprayers are so simple to use. They are either battery powered or you just plug it into the nearest wall socket. Some sprayers are also powered by gas. They are easily transportable, so you just move it area by area that you need to use it in without hassle. Just like you would move your vacuum cleaner.
Some useful tips
When using a sprayer, it is important to be conscious of overspray. You must tape up and put plastic tarp on areas surrounding where you are painting since those areas are likely going to get sprayed if left uncovered. When using a sprayer, it uses a lot of paint and you stand back from the surface you are painting quite a bit. Therefore it is easy to get paint on things that you do not want to. Make sure you adequately cover up prior to painting. We recommend using plastic sheets, which will make you paint job so much easier and cleaner. Note: Also cover your furniture.
Take note of the tip you are using for the sprayer. There are several different tip sizes that are useful depending on the type of paint job you are doing. Below is a guide:
We have all tip sizes available here at Paintworld . All tips are compatible with our Graco sprayer range. Click here to find out more about our Graco Sprayer Range.
If you have any questions regarding airless sprayers or about anything paint related, get in contact with us using the Facebook chat icon to the bottom left. One of our friendly customer service staff will be in touch with you quickly.
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